
INC NC Headlines



Looks like the NC Perverts and Rapist have returned. We have the same shack rape show. The Rapist/Pervert and his female counterpart thinks that since the victim is living with her mother, rent free, this entitles them to rape and assault the victim in her mothers shack on 2546 Ross Road, Durham NC 27705. The NC Pervert, is a Male and Female working together to rape women in Mae's shack..The Male rapes but if he thinks his cover is removed, then the female steps in with facial expressions to try and act like the male pervert isn't there.

This latest attempt. Something in the ears..irritation on the vaginal wall muscles, then a tingling sensation on the vagina muscle inside the vaginal wall muscles.  This is a professional pervert/rapist in or active around maes home.  Caught CNN monitoring the rape attack with escape to the refrigerateur article..Victim gets up and goes to drink out of the refrigerateur. We have sex toys to enhance his rape experience..these massagers that the victim bought to deal with pain on her leg and neck, but during a rape show he tries to have the victim direct the massages to her anal muscle and to her vaginal area, siting that this can relive pain caused by the swelling and irritation on the vaginal wall muscle and that muscle in the middle that is cause by the pervert or his pervert female. But this use of the massages is like a vibrator to his pervert rape attack shows. While raping the victim he is broadcasting on the verbalization screen and blasting images of black male newscasters that work at wral, a news site in the Durham area that is a fox affilate station. Following are statements made during the sex assault

  • I am entitled to rape women/victim in mae's shack because you/victim live and eat rent free in your mothers home (victim is in the mother's home due to this pervert and their interference in her money situation in dallas)

  • That is to say the perverts were in dallas, spending the victims money with the intent of causing money problems while at the same time and attempting to buy items like furniture. and clothes. washing machines, computers, etc then upse the money of the victim thinking that they could get the victim and the items that they bought in dallas to her mothers home in durham using money problems..the victim left the items in dallas...

  • Added to the rape show is utube and its historical shows, which they seem to have staged and created trying to link the victim to the cult to overthrow the US Government, using spanish males leading black males in open revolution against policing authorities in the country. This was a new york city cult of spanish males, trying to steal property (shack at ross road) from black women (victims mother) as a payoff for attacking and harming MS Akins. Elements of this cult involve:

  • luring MS akins away from Major akins her husband in Dallas Texas, with the objective of using his wife to steal from him for this cult spanish male group
  • using youtube history shows to blur the lines between muslim, spanish, egyptian in an attempt link a black american to a muslim, spanish or egyptian for this cult to overthrow the US government..also using these shows to try and pawn off or advertise these hideous looking males in these cults..We also caught the elenor roosevelt youtube, where they had taken ms akins mother, mae and put her facial images into the tapes to again make us think that mae is a reincarnated image of Roosevelt..Other reincarnated images are the jesus reincarnated with numerical signs..reincarnated medici family members from europe, reincarnated spanish monarchs, and some of the utube has reincarnated english kings and india clown ghandi and other revolutionaries, like napolean and figures from the american revolution..since the revolted then blacks led by spanish/cuban males should have no issue revolting against the unite states...Again most of this is comming from Youtube in its historical shows on events and historical folks...
    • sexually assaulting ms akins and keeping her living in poverty, like a human animal, and under these conditions try and link ms akins to their cult spanish male using poverty as a common denominator
    • trying to get legal documents, ie birth certificates, or marriage licences that can be used in a court of law or rather to use the legal system to obtain property from ms akins or her mother
    • certain celebrities especially the half black and half spanish ones are put on internet and tv to lure ms akins into birthing rift kids for this cult to use as a part of their revolution against the united states
    • the idea is to have a black and spanish male or female out in front agitating blacks in the country..that is the spanish leading the blacks into some form of revolutionary activity.
    • trying to get paid, for this activity in the form of land that they keep trying to sell to ms akins at discount or seller financing rates...these lands are like the branch dravidians cult compounds out in the middle of nowhere. They are using her money to buy the land, then trying to get around her to obtain the property that was bought with her money...
    • We also have some issues with some african males and females.. trying to push this revolutionary uprising against the us government with blacks led by spanish looking muslim, ethiopian males..We have some african leaders trying to look like they are mixed between african and muslim or look like these retarded blends of black and spanish. We have also caught the catholic church mostly in dallas and in New york, operating this overthrow of the US government program..Most of it is in its early stages of mainly trying to link blacks to spanish, that is to have blacks build a trust with spanish, then use the spanish to lead the blacks to get them assassinated through policing activities in the US.. The idea is for the black to never suspect the spanish one as the one leading them to their demise under this revolution activity..
    • We have companies also involved in this spanish leads the blacks and muslim leads the blacks revolution activity...labcorp, verizon, we mentioned google through youtube, Dish..which indirectly has something to do with the russian war with Ukraine .....

Nulla tincidunt sit amet ligula interdum pulvinar. Sed nec volutpat enim. Praesent pretium ullamcorper quam, at rhoncus magna consectetur quis. Nulla condimentum, libero vel varius sodales, lacus urna accumsan purus, at mattis nisi nibh in lorem. Sed laoreet, ante vitae tincidunt auctor, sapien metus tincidunt ante, quis aliquam lacus risus id quam.

Sex assault steps

Steps in this for of sex assault
This is a crude attempt to show what these folks are doing or causing inside Ms Akins body.... as it occurred today....

  • 1. Tones and Pressure in the ears and spot where top ear connects to the head
  • 2. tones activate the vaginal wall muscle which swells and that thing inside the vaginal wall muscles swells
  • 3. then there is this ting or tingling like sensation from the vaginal wall muscle that is inside the vaginal wall muscle..they broadcaste on the verbalization screen filth statments or excuses and justifications for them attacking women with this activity
  • 4. This tingling cause the leg muscles to tighten and then release once the tinging stops and the tones stop..

Maecenas consequat dictum aliquam. Praesent nec magna at ipsum facilisis dictum sit amet nec arcu. Donec ac metus a elit rhoncus euismod et sit amet velit. Nunc quis lacus vel metus tincidunt vulputate in et libero. Aliquam dolor lacus, facilisis ultrices rutrum in, blandit vitae nulla. Nullam vestibulum, odio vitae aliquam aliquam, nibh dui iaculis augue, ut tristique nisi est in tellus. Fusce volutpat ultricies venenatis. In a arcu in tellus tincidunt accumsan. Nulla pretium at ex viverra vulputate. Cras mollis velit metus, non suscipit felis luctus sit amet. Ut vel leo vitae magna blandit tempor in sit amet arcu. Donec dignissim mattis dui. Donec ultrices malesuada sapien, ut fermentum nisi efficitur eu. Phasellus dui eros, posuere vel lacus vitae, venenatis feugiat libero. Nunc sed nisi feugiat, consequat arcu id, vehicula augue. Donec viverra tincidunt nisi eget ornare.


The Human Time Bomb/Terrorist (Terror In, then Terror Out)

One of the reasons that the victim is assaulted so badly is that they want to inflict terror on the victim so that the victim will act out and due to the terror and harm that they are experiencing or going through they lashout and attack or harm others.. These rape attacks on MS Akins is designed to make her either lash out at others or harm herself for the shame of the assault..Ms akins wants to have the folks attacking her arrested and brought to justice..The best way to inflict terror is in a way that the victim cannot report the terrorization or the attacks on her and has to sulk and deal with the attacks with no help...This makes the victim, angry and they grow more angrier each day of the attacks until they snap and go off....

  • trying to convince folks that they are reincarnated dead folks from the past..this involves genetical breeding folks to have certain physical traits, to have certain names, last names, first names. to match these clowns to numberical signs phenomena, eclipses, solar eclipses, number sequences.
  • Frauding art (and eyes of folks in artwork), to give off a false sense of the victim being a clone of the deceased historical figures..
  • using numbers, eclipses, birth dates, sequences, to try and convince folks that due to these number schemes they are the reincarnated image of these deceased dead folks.
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.


Involve the victim with the legal system, and the police

This involves intentionally staging and creating crimes or opportunities for crimes to happen. That is the victim is set up or lured into a crime or an entanglement with the police..

  • Mary is a prostitute, Joseph is a carpenter.....this is these guys trying to push women into prostitution, and to use the victims money to buy land to "build" a shack on it for their branch davidan/Jim Jones/Marcus Garvy compound like activities in the united states or abroad in africa...... that is to commit a crime for which they can be arrested for
  • The idea is to control how the victim spends money insuring that no bills are paid or that most are paid and there needs to be a few hundred dollars to get everything paid
  • then tell the victim they can make a few hundred dollars to pay the electric bill or obtain food, by prostitution..without mentioning that prostitution is illegal and that the victim can go to jail for this
  • the idea is to get the victim tossed in jail so as not to talk about or reveal the torture that they have been through due to these clowns and their revolutionary activities in the usa

Body shaping and altering the appearance of a selected victim

Once selected victims will have to have their bodies and appearance altered. This is done to make the victim look like a clown and to insure no one listens to them or believes anythng they say..

  • Excessive body weight, strange hair cuts, unusual personal hygiene habits, stupid looking clothes, etc, then showing models who are in the mess that they created with the victims body
  • Alter victims mood state to dispair and depressive like states, yelling at the victim over the verbalization screen....causing the victim money issues and taunting them and humiliating them with over due bills, evictions
  • Altering a victims diet, causing the victim to overeat, eat and consume excessive amounts of red meat, sugar, candy..with the intent of elevating the victims blood pressure, and cause a diabetic condition.. that is to kill the victim with stroke or heart attack or comas and leg and joint issues with diabetics as a way of getting rid of the victim. Also using herbs like ginger...claiming some issue with its use..but there is another unseen use of the item...
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

payment for this attack on the victim

The victim who is being attacked, has obviously attackers....and these attackers have to be paid for their attacks on the victim..below are ways these attackers get paid

  • land mortgage payments
  • payment in cars, cause an issue with the victims car, have the victim get the car fixed and offer the victim payment terms to get the vechile fix, cause a money situation with the victim, take the car for the victim not having money to get the car fix..
  • payment in websites...
  • payment in concrete, wood, tools bought at lowes and home depot..
  • sell the victim land, that is have the victim pay for land with their own money. This land is located in a county, city or town, or on a street that has the name of the goon who is to do the victim in and the land is a payment for harming the victim, however the victim is unaware of get the goon around the victim, the use the goon to get rid of the victim and he is paid with the land
  • using rent payments and HUD vouchers as rent payments, to pay a housing authority or landlord to detain the victim and harm the victim while in the unit being rented. Harm in an apartment is in the form of noise sent into the unit..not allowing the victim to sleep, upsetting the victims food while cooking, attempting to run the victim out of money and food and telling the victim to look to crimminal ways to make a dollar to get money..running beams and electric currents through the victims floor and roof.. running a car through a window and into the bedroom of the victim...climming onto balconys to get into a victims apartment...causing a victim to be without money to pay bills, then alter mood state and emotional state, and then berate and humiliate the victim about the bills not being paid or not having the money to pay the bills..lead the victim to credit card loans and loan shark company sites on the internet..the idea is to have the victim get a loan from one of the shady loan shark companies..then due to money issues which caused them to need the loan, continue money mismangement and have the default on the loan however these loan defaults if not paid can cause the victim to go to jail for not paying back an installment loan (but this fact is not revealed to the victim until after they default on the loan) this debt game is another way to get a victim jail time..

companies on the money issues

key to the attack on the victim is causing money issues and we have found several ways to cause money issues

  • using job boards with fake opportunities..these are fun as they lure the victim or entice the victim that they can get legal money from a job, but then the job never comes through
  • using job boards to humiliate the victim, while they are trying to find work..this is done using fake job ads that are scams but are written and tailored in such a way as to insult or harm the victim when they read them
  • fake jobs, these are jobs that the victim gets an email telling them they have been selected for a position with some high salary however in order to start the job they have to buy equipment..they are sent a fraud check in the amount of 3 to 4000 dollars and asked to deposit the check in their bank account and then wire the money to an "equipment dealer". This causes and over drawn bank account and also charges for depositing bad checks...we have two of these cases and the checks on file for what they did.
  • GDCC and Next REP..we caught GDCC telemarketing denying hours and the victim...keeping the victim without money.....





altering the victims ability to make money from a job to what are called slug jobs and assignments along with jobs that simulate prostitution to operate the cult of mary the prostitute/joseph the carpenter.

The idea is to have a cover up so that if caught, I can use these things to hide their attacks on the victim and blame the victim for issues. Slug jobs are an attempt to make a victim work at servant like or servitudinal positions or to work doing jobs that causes the victim to lose their self respect or self esteem.. We caught the whites operating this slug job routine, using blacks to hand or force these slug jobs on the victim

  • call center/call girl sounds like jobs where the victim has to read a script that has perverted themes or hints at perverted themes (CVS Health Pain Survey to Clients)
  • call center/call girl sounds like jobs, where the callers call into the center and use the "lingo" and "everyday talk of the call center" to make perverted statements and imply perverted thoughts, ideas, activites and where the victim has to be nice to the caller while they are going through their pervert routine or risk getting a negative quality score, which if you get to many you can be fired for quality..(dish)
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Life Insurance policy money the Telvista Scam

This starts with the victim obtaining an automobile and insuring the automobile via geico, then hiring the victim at a call center, ie telvista..they had this call center located in an obscure part of town..the building was designed much like the victims geel studios cage/room that they built in new york city, complete with a basement disguised as a lounge, restaurant and gym. They next caused the victim to obtain a bed where the bed frame looks like the frame on the hallway intrances at this building...Then they download this block puzzle (puss if you invert the zz) game where the blocks on the game matched the blocks on the design of the verizon, telvista call center wall designs....the elvator in the building was the same elevator make and model almost identical to their new your cult show geel building..Next they have a training class with predominantly one race (blacks) in the class..the training class is rowdy, and one of the black ladies in the class keeps yelling out the word ?Bueno...Ms akins has to drive past two taco buenos on her way to work at this position.. While driving on the highway 635 we notice the traffic. THe cars keep rushing up on ms akins and wont let her on or off the highway.. they trail to close or cut in front of her unexpectedly as if they are training themselves on how to cause an accident..Ms akins has daily near misses of folks in cars and trucks trying to run into her. At the end of her 30 days she is eligible for benefits with Telvista and they offer her a 150000 life insurance policy and an accidental life insurance policy of the same amount, and they ask her to name beneficiaries such that if she is hit or harmed in a traffic accident the beneficiaries get the payment of cash..she declines the life insurance policy and cancels her medical and her medicare policy..suspecting that someone is causing her illness and trying to get paid to fix what they have caused..from either private insurance or medicare insurance....With this the idea was to cause a car accident at the TACO Bueno location on the highway next to the guitar center store..however with no insurance policy payout, they continued to stalk her in vehicles and make threateng moves on the highway but with no way to get paid big money they never cause the preplanned accident..However they did attempt to get paid car repair and tow truck fees as they had done with previous vehicles owned.

  • using job boards with fake opportunities..these are fun as they lure the victim or entice the victim that they can get legal money from a job, but then the job never comes through
  • using job boards to humiliate the victim, while they are trying to find work..this is done using fake job ads that are scams but are written and tailored in such a way as to insult or harm the victim when they read them
  • fake jobs, these are jobs that the victim gets an email telling them they have been selected for a position with some high salary however in order to start the job they have to buy equipment..they are sent a fraud check in the amount of 3 to 4000 dollars and asked to deposit the check in their bank account and then wire the money to an "equipment dealer". This causes and over drawn bank account and also charges for depositing bad checks...we have two of these cases and the checks on file for what they did.
  • GDCC and Next REP..we caught GDCC telemarketing denying hours and the victim...keeping the victim without money.....

Body shaping and altering the appearance of a selected victim

Once selected victims will have to have their bodies and appearance altered. This is done to make the victim look like a clown and to insure no one listens to them or believes anythng they say..

  • Excessive body weight, strange hair cuts, unusual personal hygiene habits, stupid looking clothes, etc, then showing models who are in the mess that they created with the victims body
  • Alter victims mood state to dispair and depressive like states, yelling at the victim over the verbalization screen....causing the victim money issues and taunting them and humiliating them with over due bills, evictions
  • Altering a victims diet, causing the victim to overeat, eat and consume excessive amounts of red meat, sugar, candy..with the intent of elevating the victims blood pressure, and cause a diabetic condition.. that is to kill the victim with stroke or heart attack or comas and leg and joint issues with diabetics as a way of getting rid of the victim. Also using herbs like ginger...claiming some issue with its use..but there is another unseen use of the item...
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

sending tingle like sensations down the left harm and hand of the victim causing numbness

while in north carolina ms akins started experiencing a tingling sensation in her left arm and going into her hands...states that they are sending tones, that apply pressure on the muscles or veins in a certain area..through exercise she identified the area of where the pressure was being applied.. what is interesting is that her son down in Dallas, also being assaulted by these same mystics stated he had the same tingling sensation in his they are attacking both the mother and the son simultaneously with these body issues..

  • she is a jogger and to play this game they stopped her from jogging 26 miles, and made her overeat and get they are pushing and pulling on her muscle systems to causes stress in at knees and neck and arms and lower back
  • Alter victims mood state to dispair and depressive like states, yelling at the victim over the verbalization screen....causing the victim money issues and taunting them and humiliating them with over due bills, evictions
  • Altering a victims diet, causing the victim to overeat, eat and consume excessive amounts of red meat, sugar, candy..with the intent of elevating the victims blood pressure, and cause a diabetic condition.. that is to kill the victim with stroke or heart attack or comas and leg and joint issues with diabetics as a way of getting rid of the victim. Also using herbs like ginger...claiming some issue with its use..but there is another unseen use of the item...
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

seizure like activities in the brain

we are still trying to identify the source of the seizure like activity......

  • as a part of their dirty nasty program, they were intentionally putting this white guck in the food,(most of the food that they sabotaged was bought at walmart on montfort ave in dallas and tom thumb on preston road near the victims home. so when you cook the food you could see this white gook comes out of the food, it was in chicken breast and salmon (it can be hidden in salmon since it has a whiteish element to it)
  • air conditioning vents where something other than air is comming through the vents...heating vents where something is mixed with the air comming through the vents.....very light scent or smell
  • Altering a victims diet, causing the victim to overeat, eat and consume excessive amounts of red meat, sugar, candy..with the intent of elevating the victims blood pressure, and cause a diabetic condition.. that is to kill the victim with stroke or heart attack or comas and leg and joint issues with diabetics as a way of getting rid of the victim. Also using herbs like ginger...claiming some issue with its use..but there is another unseen use of the item...
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

dirty nasty program durham, nc

This involves the victims mother and her mothers home that they have literally destroyed and turned into a junk shop, they ran off with the mothers money and have her living on Social Security Retirement and to supplement her income they have her at this raggedy flea market peddling junk to make a extra dollar.. this is the same technique of taking away quality legal jobs and handing out embarrassing or humiliating ways to earn money around questionable folks..Kinds of attacks on her mother/sister and their homes is similar, if I am caught creating terrorists, I can hide behind a dirty nasty home to show the folks in the homes as unstable

  • torn up cabients/sex assault themed floor tiles, tiles that simulate bowel disorders..that is these tiles come to life under extreme emotional discomfort and add intensity to these kinds of attacks...
  • broken up furniture/old outdated furntiture/strange flower designs,
  • unkempt lawns
  • wild wall paintings and colors along with dents in the walls, missing door knobs...strange looking light bulbs
  • telling folks that old outdate turn of the century is cool or chic and do not bother to obtain contemporary items..
  • disfigure bathrooms with handicap equipment, the victims are not handicap..but suffer pains being afflicted on them and so turn to these devices due to the pain levels...which add a sense of commedy to the design of the home...
  • attempting to get paid money to fix items in the home..local clowns first break or cause to be broken something then attempt to get paid to fix what they had broken. Let say I need $70 to pay a bill..I break mae's front step, and then charge show up and attempt to charge her $70.00 to fix it. It would of course not have to be fixed if they had not broke it first trying to get paid..
  • trafficking women/sex trafficking women to maes shack, once they have vandalized it, where they sexually attack them with that thing that moves around in the body to upset and dehumanize them and then try and train them for terroristic activities. While trying to train women as terrorist, they love to use Youtube videos and show battle scenes on their historical shows especially ones using swords and to train a victim sensitive to blood they have blood gushing out in stabbin scenes and battle scenes...
  • also with the victim dejected, terrorized, and without money and income in a state of apprehensiveness, try and involve the victim in crime, crimminal acts, or lure or entice the victim into drug addition, drug selling or other forms of crimminal that after I am through terrorizing a victim or sex assaulting them, I can use the police systems to detain the victim and toss them in jail for their attacks on the victim..

using foods as sex toys..

there are these porn internet sites that have women using food and other objects as sex objects...we have caught them luring women to obtain foods that can be used as sex objects.

  • jimmy dean sausage, short and long rolls, you freeze them to make them stiff
  • baked potatoes uncooked
  • cucumbers, zuchinni, squash...canned vienna sausages...
  • to simulate male semen fluid, they have egg whites that you buy in a carton, salad dressing like blue cheese and ranch over egg omlets..simulating eggs and sperm
    • using ovens and whole chickens and whole turkeys to simulate pregnancies.. that is she has a turkey in the oven where the turkey and chicken kinda look like humans with the legs and arms/wings
    • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
    • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
    • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.


patriotic duty to attack and rape women or cause these illness and disorders

while attacking the victim, we are treated to all kinds of activities and ideologies, but the most dangerous of them is that I am entitled to rape/sexually assault, cause cancer/cause seizures, or body aches and pains, because, it is my patriot duty to muslims or other fringe groups on behalf of the USA or the US Government...however as we have seen.most of the attackers

  • are not apart of any government...or policing activity, just thugs masquerading as such
  • seem to be acting in ways to help certain politicians get elected or re elected to office
  • seem to be stealing the victims property as a payment for their crimminal attacks on the victim and family
  • seem to stage or set up activities that can under certain conditions and lapse of moral character cause the victim to fall or be pushed into or in around crimminal activity.
  • seem to be using political office or potential to get a political office as a cover for their crime attacks on the victim and the victims family and the use of political office to cover over their attacks or the folks they are using to attack the victim. that is getting the attackers "off the hook" for their assaults on the victim.....
  • as a part of their dirty nasty program, they were intentionally putting this white guck in the food,(most of the food that they sabotaged was bought at walmart on montfort ave in dallas and tom thumb on preston road near the victims home. so when you cook the food you could see this white gook comes out of the food, it was in chicken breast and salmon (it can be hidden in salmon since it has a whiteish element to it)
  • air conditioning vents where something other than air is comming through the vents...heating vents where something is mixed with the air comming through the vents.....very light scent or smell
  • Altering a victims diet, causing the victim to overeat, eat and consume excessive amounts of red meat, sugar, candy..with the intent of elevating the victims blood pressure, and cause a diabetic condition.. that is to kill the victim with stroke or heart attack or comas and leg and joint issues with diabetics as a way of getting rid of the victim. Also using herbs like ginger...claiming some issue with its use..but there is another unseen use of the item...
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

The cover up how to conceal an attack on the victim or set the situation where the victim is left holding the blame for the attacks on the victim

Most of their cover up starts with a money attack on the victim..Quickly they get the victim fired or kicked on a job and deny them income..with no money the victim is left flopping back and forth and it is supposed will do anythig to get money to pay the car payment, rent, utilities, credit cards etc..the is called the money cover up.. the idea is to have a paper trail of unpaid bills and use this as a cover to say that the victim is unstable...however what is not mentioned in the money trail cover up is:

  • the victim is under the control of our patriot clown using the auditory/verbalization screen to cause the victim to not pay bills even when sufficient money is there to pay them..instead they tell the victim to go and buy ice cream or some other stupid activity to waste the victims a part of human/sex trafficking it is easy to move a victim around the country when the victim has no money....
  • try and involve the victim with the church as a way to get cash to pay off bills, after they have spent the victims legally obtained cash..the church especially the right wing of the christian churches are known for apolcalpytic take down programs and generating terrorist via job and income control... so a way to sneak the church up on the victim is to cause money issues and send them to the church, that is the very group that is causing the problems in most cases with the victim to being with...
  • now with the victims money situation in dire straits..try and train the victim into being a terrorist..statements like you are useless, worthless, have nothing to live for so you might has well die and when you do take a few others with you is usually the first or beginnings of terrorist training.
  • reinforce this view in the victim while they are without money, show them folks working on jobs, while denying the victim a job, show them other folks with property and money and assetts, while stealing and keeping the victim without...stupid things like this to generate and keep the victim in a constant state of anger...
  • bring in the white female rock musicians with that stupid ass demented rock music, where the songs lyrics, or mood state that the song sets, can continue to enhance the victims anger, rage, or melancholy state
  • Use the TV and show up in these dreary, overly depressed like states in commercials and tv ads..use medical commercials for medicines where the side effects of these medicines drop hints at suicide or help to put the idea of suicide in the victims mind while under their money and dreary programs...
  • next as we mentioned the disfiguration of the victim is necessary, so not only do we have a money trail, we have the victim not dressed properly or stupidly in some outfit, strange hairstyles and overweight..kinda like a walking oddity...this again is a cover to make the victim lose credibility if and when they reveal the kinds of attacks on them....types of disfiguration include

  • strange haircuts
  • strange old clothes, worn, torn, raggedly looking in fact we found a trend to try and make old worn and torn clothes a trend
  • obesity
  • causing skin disorders and discoloration...mostly we found that the use of cerave cream causes black blotches on the skin..we also noted that dove soap wen combined with cerave cream cuases these black spots on the skin of the victim
  • Interference with exercise and stretching..trying to make the victim hate exercise and stretching which can alleviate but not stop the attacks on the muscles..The way they do this is to take all the exercises that they know can impact their use of the stuff they use to attack the victim..then have the victim overdo these activities, then make the victim stop these activities, then attack the victime..for example it is know that running and sit ups and squats can impede their body instead of running 1 or two miles they have the victim run 10, 20 30 miles for years..then when they are ready to attack they stop the victim from running siting old age or just tired of running and then use this lack of running to attack the victim with the muscle issues and use as a cover, that the attacks are because the victim isn't running which is they had used the same attacks when the victim was running, just the impact was not as strong.....
  • sounding or make strange sounds when you speak..humming for no particular reason...
  • not bathing on a timely manner and with tons of excuses for not bathing
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

dirty nasty program dallas, tx

while in north carolina ms akins started experiencing a tingling sensation in her left arm and going into her hands...states that they are sending tones, that apply pressure on the muscles or veins in a certain area..through exercise she identified the area of where the pressure was being applied.. what is interesting is that her son down in Dallas, also being assaulted by these same mystics stated he had the same tingling sensation in his they are attacking both the mother and the son simultaneously with these body issues..

  • she is a jogger and to play this game they stopped her from jogging 26 miles, and made her overeat and get they are pushing and pulling on her muscle systems to causes stress in at knees and neck and arms and lower back
  • Alter victims mood state to dispair and depressive like states, yelling at the victim over the verbalization screen....causing the victim money issues and taunting them and humiliating them with over due bills, evictions
  • Altering a victims diet, causing the victim to overeat, eat and consume excessive amounts of red meat, sugar, candy..with the intent of elevating the victims blood pressure, and cause a diabetic condition.. that is to kill the victim with stroke or heart attack or comas and leg and joint issues with diabetics as a way of getting rid of the victim. Also using herbs like ginger...claiming some issue with its use..but there is another unseen use of the item...
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.
  • running a victim out of money and then trying to make them make money in crimminal ways to pay bills
  • training a victim to be a sex worker, giving blow jobs, by altering the muscles of a victims neck and throat,with pulling and pulling of these muscles..cause stress, pressure and pain on the ears throat and neck of the victim.
  • simulated crimminal activites..while in the victims home get the victim up at 12 or 1 am in the morning the time that prositutes usually are on the streets..have the victim make coffee or cook food attempting to simulate a brothel
  • send beams and electric currents through the victims body and vaginal wall muscles claiming that victims should be trained in sex acts since they do not engage in sex activites, they will send beams in their ass and vagina to show that they can force sex acts on the organs of the victim even one who does not engage in sex.
  • sex assault the victim, then stalk the victim at stores like walmart or the grocery store with males, this is done to try and force the victim into sex acts...

dirty nasty program new york city/cult of the prostitute virgin mary and the joseph the carpenter impoverished circus

In this cult the victim was traffiked to new york (bronx) and installed in a homeless shelter, (geel) mind you this is a college graduate with a four year degree, they have denied income and jobs for this cult to overthrow the us government. This trafficking involved, primarily NBA basketball players, elements of the black church, celebrites both black, white and hispanic...It is possible that a supreme court justice was involved as well at least in the cancer cauging agent that caused the victim to wind up in the bronx... The bronx cult show kicked off in north carolina where the victim had a knot on the side of her face for spitting on blacks..which of course would not make her interact with blacks or muslims for their they caused a knot on her face the salivery gland..There is a scene in the movie titanic that shows kate winslet spitting and they believe this was the instruction to cause the spit gland cancer... Ms akinswho despite her assaults has an internet station, the one this is typed on and others that the cult sought to infiltrate and use to enrich their cult figures at ms akins expense.. she downloaded some site maps at and in the penssylvania site map, the list of top 30 cities include the city names of chambersburg, lebanon, mechanicsville.. these are codes to lead ms akins to the bronx where there are tons and tons or an inordinane amout of mechanics shops, and to have surgery for the knot on her face at the bronx lebanon hospital and to have her installed in a chamber/room near someone named "burg". Ms akins hates impoverishe folks, so to try and get around this hatred as they can't operate their cult she she does not interact with the impoverished or uneducated or cults, they attempted to impoverish her and keep here with no income to match her to the cult groups who they have living off the government and taxpayer monies in shelters. However in order to start this cult, which is designed to overthow the us government, Ms akins has to get in and around spanish males, who look like middle east muslim males, which both she avoids. So the idea was to use human trafficking under conditions of poverty to move her into a city and shelter where their muslim and spanish cult showed could be pushed on her....Mind you they told a college graduate with a 4 year degree to not make any money and pay taxes, but to live off other folks taxes in shelters. So this knot was put on her face, and then she showed up at the bronx lebanon hospital where they operate on knots..the basement floor of the hospital has a strange floor pattern with knots built into the tiles of the floor. Let me you have this knot and you have to go and get a mri to see if it is cancerous or you are confused, anxious, I mean your life is at stake, and then you show up and have to walk over this floor that has knots all over it..the floor is basically being used to intesive the pain and stress or to laugh and ridicule the fact of the knot...Then while in the shelter the idea was to run the victim out of food stamps to buy food, and then try and make the victim turn to crimminal activities like selling drugs, cigarettes, or prostitution to obtain food, but unbeknowst to the victim at that time is the spanish catholic cult that mary or the virgin mary is a prostitute.. So the idea was to try and make ms akins do something crimminal to make money which they failed out, though they tried for 8 years to run her out of money and food. then around the year 2019 the GEON year they tried to numbericallly sequence a child birth in the slums with this gerg which was denied..this is a part of the government overthrow cult that they tried to involve her in, where the spanish would lead the blacks in the country to riot and overthrow the us government. however they need their charasmatic leader to get out in front of the blacks to lead them to their doom and death..and they tried to use ms akins genetical code and mix it with these spanish clowns to get a black and spanish jerk raised in the gutters to revolt against govenment and policing systems in the US. And she refused any participation with the cult or their clowns...then then went about and built her internet site, attempting to link their government over throw cult folks in codes and names on her sites. Now again to start this cult show, they had to traffick ms akins to new york and they use the homeless shelter system and taxpayer money to traffic women to these slums, the there they tried to force males on females by forcing these women under job and income control to live around and the same building as these clowns under conditions of impoverishment. Then adding insult to a humilating and embarassing situation, we had the lure games, that is to say I will let you out of poverty if you do the following...most of which again was denied..the only thing they got was this internet site they built which she allowed as evidence of their cult..they tried the dallas cult show where they tried to make her live on a street that references these cult retards..that is if you want to live in an apartment you have to live in one that has the names of their bronx, cult show references to it.. the same with those land they keep tring to use her income to pay fore, where they say you can have this land and pay for it if you keep the names of their cult lunatics on the land.. The idea is to try and show some link between ms akins and those who create and operate this cult of the retard nutcase to overthrow the us government. Lets be clear they are actually not so much tring to overthrow the government as they are trying to kill off blacks in the country and use this genocide or extermination of blacks ecuse that they were operating a cult in the country. Ms akins who does not want to be bothered with the cults cant seem to get rid of them, as they keep tryig to get money or internet sites or land to operate their cult form her and have and continue to come up with ways to get cash to their cult clowns. To make ms akins sensitive to the cult males, many whom are uneducated, immoral mentally ill and impoverished, they tried to undereducate, and cause impoverishment and mental illness of her son, which failed to obtain sympathy for the cult clowns..The idea was if she has sympathy for her son then she will have sympathy for the cult retards and they attacked her son with all sorts of issues, and she failed to show sympanty to her son or to the retards who were attacking him for this cult or the retard clowns. But her sons plight and illness and other deficiencies is due to this cult circus in carolina and the bronx. Also in an attempt to make ms akins sympathetic to the retard cult and revolution, they came up wit the idea to use the police, white officers, to kill black males, who look like ms akins son. Surly if she sees images of her son kbeing kiled that will make her have sympathy to the black cults and join in the revolution and again this failed and flopped...however there are black women the country whose sons were targeted and killed not only by police but also spanish males as a way to make ms akins sympathetic to this cult clown "Tayvon" Martin..and his name Ms akins husbands middle name "vonza" showing that this crime was premeditated and caused to try and lure ms akins cults to overthoruw the us government. Google,took the image of the spanish cult guy and made history shows trying again to come up with some excuse of the cult clown they were trying to use, but failed due to uglyness, stupidity, lack of common sense, and metal poverty...etc of the cult clown they wanted to use..This clown had a cover of mental illness so that if they got caught in an governement overthrow they could claim they were all crazy..or mentally ill. And the greatest part of this is that US taxpayers, New york city taxpayers were fronting the bill for this cult, that is they were working and paying money into tax systems in the country and the moneys from taxes was being used to build housing and give food in the form of subsidies to these folks in the inner city while they operated this cult. And we caught quite a few politicians operating these hostage holding, human trafficking cult to overthrow the us government..which again is a cult to get black folks in the country genocideal exterminated and of course to use spanish folks to lead black folks to this genocide....We caught a pope in the bronx, visiting a impoverished school, signalling to the cult folks that the victim should be forced into sex acts and that their child should go to one of the gutter schools..we caught a former president, visitng the black male empowerment zones in the bronx while the victim was a hostage and hosting several NBA folks at the white house, where these NBA players had their name in lights all through out the bronx..we caught several black clergy members of these mega chruches up in the bronx and attempts to lure ms akins to these black chruch groups, or to deposit information about these black church groups under poverty situations in and around ms akins. We caught a certain presidential candidate, with folks in his campaign of an hispanic looking and (papadoupolus and noting the name hinting at papa or spaish papa or fathering a cult clown of black and spanish or black and muslim origins,to lead the dirtbag blacks to genocidal and extermination activities)/or origin who "look like the cult" clown in the bronx, that they were trying to force on the victim. The idea is that the retard in the bronx is well just that a retard impoverished dirtbag clown, so they tried to build up the dirtbag, grabbing what the thing looks like and finding others who have done something or have a career who look like the retard dirtbag, and then say this clown did something, and see the retard dirt bag should be able to do something...then we saw on January 6th this same presidential candidate try and involk a riot at the white house using the white elements of his revolution. We have seen that blacks who are revolutionary, often get information from black cults, like the nation of islam, who in turn get their information from white republican rightest groups and orders. so a link between black revolutionaries and their thought is often supplied to them via whites who are themselves racist and segregationalist. The idea is to use the blacks to spew out white racism and segregationalism. See if a white stood up called for school segregation, he would be called a I get blacks to stand up and call for school segregation.for some reason when a black person spews out white racist ideologies, no one seems to mind and consider this racism as trying to improve the black community and many fools have found, these underprivldge black schools where the students go to these decrepit looking institutions often taught by lunatics without any formal education or training, however if you think and keep in mind that, there is to be a genocidal extermination of blacks then this makes sense, as there is no need to waste good schools and education on folks being set up to be exterminated. as a matter of fact most of what we see the blacks and the muslims and their spanish counterparts aim at blacks seems to take on this negative character, as again blacks are seen as the expendables to be used to agitate for the revolution and riots and front line to be killed and abused by the policing forces, hence poor schools, poor nutrition, poor cities, lack of money...victimization, drug abuse, constant stress and strain and worries, so they die or die early.....or are prone to revolts... Once last thing we should touch on store names, company names and attempts to tell the victim that they can get out of poverty, if they work at companies that have the name of the cult as the company names, work were supervisors or co workers carry the names of their cult to overthrow the us government, they have to drive up and down streets where the stores or shops have been opened which have or reference the names of the cult characters, activities, views, ideas..etc..

  • she is a jogger and to play this game they stopped her from jogging 26 miles, and made her overeat and get they are pushing and pulling on her muscle systems to causes stress in at knees and neck and arms and lower back
  • Alter victims mood state to dispair and depressive like states, yelling at the victim over the verbalization screen....causing the victim money issues and taunting them and humiliating them with over due bills, evictions
  • Altering a victims diet, causing the victim to overeat, eat and consume excessive amounts of red meat, sugar, candy..with the intent of elevating the victims blood pressure, and cause a diabetic condition.. that is to kill the victim with stroke or heart attack or comas and leg and joint issues with diabetics as a way of getting rid of the victim. Also using herbs like ginger...claiming some issue with its use..but there is another unseen use of the item...
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

cult leader and how to convince folks that they are reincarnated charasmatic figures long since dead from the past.

One of the reasons that the victim is assaulted so badly is that they want to inflict terror on the victim so that the victim will act out and due to the terror and harm that they are experiencing or going through they lashout and attack or harm others.. These rape attacks on MS Akins is designed to make her either lash out at others or harm herself for the shame of the assault..Ms akins wants to have the folks attacking her arrested and brought to justice..The best way to inflict terror is in a way that the victim cannot report the terrorization or the attacks on her and has to sulk and deal with the attacks with no help...This makes the victim, angry and they grow more angrier each day of the attacks until they snap and go off....

  • trying to convince folks that they are reincarnated dead folks from the past..this involves genetical breeding folks to have certain physical traits, to have certain names, last names, first names. to match these clowns to numberical signs phenomena, eclipses, solar eclipses, number sequences.
  • Frauding art (and eyes of folks in artwork), to give off a false sense of the victim being a clone of the deceased historical figures..
  • using numbers, eclipses, birth dates, sequences, to try and convince folks that due to these number schemes they are the reincarnated image of these deceased dead folks.
  • Using us government agencies like NASA to convince folks that they are uniquey linked to the stars, universe etc..this involves confusing actual space technology with star trek fantasy space routines...that is piggybacking off of actual science to create a fantasy scientific show. and use this fantasy show to convince the victim they are charasmatic selected to lead the folks to revolution..
  • identifying, training folks for space flights that work with the cult to overthrow the us government, this involves taking folks who look like their cult shows,and traiing them and then flying them to space or the space station where these folks look like these decrepit cult folks in the gutters and slums..we even saw the head of the space agency with gentic traits looking like their spanish cult show clowns..these look alikes are to be used to spook the victim..see the clcwn is in the gutter and impoverish but look his image is running NASA or in their organization or activities.. We saw this when the chairman of the science committe was black lady and involved in these cult like revolution and riot games again pushing blacks and spanish leaders to revolt against the US Government.
  • using the political process and trying to vote in images of folks who look like historical figures past, who have names of historical figures from the past, or who look like or carry names of the current cult clowns designated to be used to overthrow the us government,and asking folks to vote for images of cult folks or folks carring names of these cult folks, or asking folks to vote for politicians who have names or images of these cult folks on their staff or leading their political election and reelection camapigns...
  • my favorite is trying to get elected to political office, while at the same time irritating and aggravating the victim of these cults to join the cults as a revenge for these politicians trying to get elected to office or reelected to office using names, images of folks who look like the cult to overthrow the US government. We see this image of the cult as well as images of the folks they are trying to put out in front of the cult to overthrow the us government ie the cult to genocidall exterminate black folks or move them back to africa...constantly being put before the public where the public is asked to vote for folks who look like these cult folks...In minneapolis for example having tried for decades to force ms akins into islam and muslim antigovernment activity..they voted in ilhan omar who kinda sorta looks like ms akins, where the can use ms akins image in a muslim tubin to insinuate that ms akins is involved to islam..that is since they cant make her go around islam and muslims, they voted someone who looks like her into a high profile position who is muslim and try and link ms akins to the muslim congresswomen via they look similar to each other. so if I cant make ms akins make a statement on some antigovernment activitity, It can be insuated that ms akins is making an anti government statement by using folks and congresswoman who look like her (but do not in any way shape or form share the victims political views)to make the statement, thus again another device to try and link ms akins to anti government activities using other folks who look like her.
  • joesphine baker bankruptcy story and attempts to make ms akins look like josephine baker, trying to alter her facial features and keeping her without income to get the money problems effect
  • trying to make ms akins through fake and fraud art work, most of which is on the internet and again youtube shows...(notable with the eyes altered to look like ms akins eyes think she is the reincarnated image of queen elizabeth I or queen victoria of england, some germanic princess, etc
  • trying to make ms akins think she is the reincarnated virgin mary using number sequence and years
  • trying to make ms akins think her father is reincarnated gian gastone medici again using fraud art work on youtube..
  • trying to make ms akins think that other folks in the gutters and slums are reincarnated images of the deceased folks (russian czars etc )agin using fraud art, numbers, astrological events...
  • selecting and training folks from childhood to be atheletes, entertainers, actors, actresses, where these folks look like either their cult folks in the gutters and then have these folks win and lose races to make statements on whether the folks their names in codes represent should live or die if they win a gold medal or lose an event....and then trying to pass off these wins and loses as acts or instructions from the devine or heavenly beings. This activity is especially cruel as it inflicts emotional and pyschological damage on the victim who has to watch folks that look like them or carry their names and images lose races that call for their demise..not realizing that races can be fixed even sports and track races can be fixed to produce false results...but the pyschological damage that can be inflicted on the victim serves again to furthur agitate and unnerve the victim of these kinds of attacks.. As matter of fact anytime I want to make some negative statement against the victim or family members of the victim, I use one of these actors, actresses, musicians, atheletes, politicians and have them do something negative or cause something negative to happen to them ie not getting relected to office..and use this negative behaviour as a torture or torment to the victim, that they are trying to anger and estabilize for their apocalyptic cult take down shows. Again ms akins notice that her son became extremely distrought and had to be hospitialized in a mental institution due to the repeated use of his image in public, politics, atheletics and again the police attacks on folks who look like him, which again he did not cause others did, to build a negative personality profile that can be used to excuse away any apocalyptic behaviour or crimminal behaviour from acting out of anger due to the anger and rage they keep trying to inflict on him and his psychology well being. (as well as threats to his mother to join their cult or watch them continue to cause her son to suffer under their brutal attacks....

causing cancer using applied body heating in the area the cancer is to start.

The body has a certain temperature, the idea is to elevate the temperature of the body to extreme heat levels and the heat in the body we think causes the cancer...

  • Le notice that there was a deliberate attempt to cause cancer where the instructions for the cancer were in the site maps, under the code name lebanon, refering to bronx lebanon hospital where she was treated..if she did ot have a knot on her face, there would be no need to be treated at bronx lebanon hospital and there would be no match of the code between lebanon in the site map and the hosptial in the bronx...
  • since this was caused and the repaired at the bronx hospital, the payment for the surgery being paid via medicaid, this is an attempt to bilk medicaid for money as a payment for an illness that they caused...
  • Likewise ms akins entire human trafficking expense to operate a cult in the united states is a big fraud to bilk taxpayers out of money to house, and feed and operate on ms akins to match their cult ideologies. And again these cult ideologies are to use spanish males to lead blacks to riot and revolting activities, getting them genocidaly killed or exterminated and again if the revolution fails to try and ship them marcus garvy style back to africa.....
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.


Marcus Garvy back to africa movement, Jim Jones Guyana cult massacre, David Koresh Out in the middle of nowhere cult compounds.

The victim now throughly upset with the ongoing year after year abuse, thinks about fleeing the country to get the cult off her back..this is the start of the Marcus Garvy back to africa cult shows or the move to some osouth ameican country to live inexpensively..See while denying the victim cash and income they get to retirement and have no income to live the victim thinks about going to areas where it is inexensive to live..However all these living activities are cultic in nature

  • buy some land and build a cabin out in the middle of nowhere..cultic david koreshe branch davidand compound development
  • Move to africa where it is relatively inexpensive to live...(marcus garvy back to africa show), how to remove blacks from the usa incase the revolution doesn't materialize or work (to genocideally exterminate them), then step 2 is to run them back to africa sitting how cheap it is to live there, while again denying college graduates an income to live on from working.
  • live off the taxpayers in HUD housing, projects, and site a lack of income due to their income manipualtion games as an excuse for poverty.
  • Use the TV radio and other media to encourage the victim daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, to just give up, stop resisting and go along with the cult to overthrow the us government and that continuing to resist the cult will cause them to continue their attacks and assaults until the "break" the victims resolve to fight back and of course since the victim no one to turn to, no legal authority to report the crimminal attacks and assaults to, and of course daily reminding the victim that they have no one or organization to report these attacks to be used again to remind the victim to go along with the cult or "else" ie continue being tortured..or there is one other option, that is to harm oneself and bring the torture show to a permanent close, but this is not viable, as it causes the victim to die without revealing all of the activities and things that are attacking them.. but from a cult perspective it it a way toget rid of the victim and the evidence the victim has, that is use the victim to get rid of himself or herself....


What is the role of insults, humiliation, sex assaults and attacks, embarrasement, pain, emotional and mental health destabilization and impoverishment play in developing this cult or trying to force folks into cults and how is the media and folks in the media used to insult, humiliate, and embarrase or cause mental and emotional destabilization of a victim, with the intent of causing these activities to lead or force or coerce a victim under stress and duress of impoverishment, or to seek revenge for these kinds of attacks to either join a cult to overthrow the us government, be sympathetic to a cult to overthrow the us government, to be linked to a cult voluntarily or unvoluntarily to cults to overthrow the us government.

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • compare and contrast..look at me and look at you under the conditions and poverty that they created, and get angry and join a cult
  • I have and you do not have due to our attacks on you, so you get angry and join a cult to overthrow the us government or marcus garvy back to africa
  • see we are white and we represent white accomplishments and achievements (ie some aparment buiding they built)and you are black under our control and we are impoverishing, humilitating, insulting, you with the intent of making you join a black carry out our goals and join a black cult against us whites and help the blacks to overthrow the us government or get themeselves exterminated.
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

What types of INC is Carolyn Akins being assaulted with and who is the one assaulting Ms Akins with these attacks

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

Reasons for genocidal extermination

To exterminate blacks there needs to be some reason for their extermination. The idea is to come with reasons to exterminate blacks hand these reasons and activities to black and have them spread these activities, ideas and trends throughtout the black communities in the country with the intent of convince the blacks that it is "okay" and normal to involve themselves in these ideas and activities even though some of these activities, show immorality, degeration and behaviuoral, psychological and emotional imbalances and then photograph and "record" blacks in these immoral behaviours and activies where these recordings are in tv shows of an immoral nature and based on immoral themes and activites, music of an immoral nature based on immoral and perverted themes and revolutionay ideologies. Also change the clothing and hair and dressing styles of blacks and record these hair and clothing changes, where the blacks look like circus clowns, however reassure the blacks that they are not clowns, when it is obvious that they are, and again record the clowns looking and acting like predators preying on their own blacks and occasional whites...the take these recordings and blast them all around the world to civilized societies, where these recordings show a debase, decrepit immoral black culture from its top elites (politicians, entertainers, sports atheletics) to its everyday rank and file immoral clowns and use these as justifications of a need to genocidally exterminate the entire group. Then infiltrate this group with spanish elements to lead these clowns to their downfall and get paid with the immoral black folks money and items of value. Below are things we caught them doing to blacks such as to produce this imagery of clowns compared to the civilized elements of the world..

  • telling black women not to comb their hair but wear their hair in braids and smocks like they did in slavery and to trend slavery hairstyles from before the civil war, and since black americans wont wear their hair in braids import jamaicains into the us who have been trained to act like this and use them to influence african americans and then record them in these wild and unkept hair styles
  • force women due to psychologica or emotional strains of poverty to over eat, that is to compensate for the day when there is no food to over eat at the present..producing the traditional black fat overweight and unhealthy blimps adn the compare these blimps to whites who are small and in shape and record the fat one looking like fat blimp and the white one showing discipline in body and shape. And again show these images all over the world showing black mentally stupidity in self an show them attempting to influence others to overeat, and show them using the countries food stamp program or running others to the programs to insure there is food to eat and get fat or obese from.
  • Train black women and men to be immoraly sex fiends and perverts have them produce and record music, movies, tapes that show offensive immoral degradation and predatory behaviours while looking like clowns and blimps.Parage them around in the media and fashion industries, showing normally proportioned white females while showing the blacks look wild, demented retard and again showcase these comparative activities all around the world again showing a reason for their extermination and genocide.
  • Give off the false pretense that blacks are trying to take over white american or white blacks and where possible blacks with these immoral traits and characteristics, reaching for traditionally thought of as white only activities, jobs, occupations and use this to scare folks that the blacks, muslims are trying to take over and need to be stopped or removed or held in check or exterminated....With this one it is necessary to nurture and train blacks to be both immoral and demented and perverted but to hide these perverted and demented views adn then get them in office or political office or turn them into some entertainer or athelete, and then at the height of popularity start exposing their demented and perverted personalities..again showign them all over the world and demented and perverted even in civilized actvities and agin show them using political power and position to attack demoralize and pervert other blacks and show them with cults and cult like plans and ideas the harm or cause to harm other blacks from rising out of poverty, and show them making use of their politcial office to make demented statements and to impoverish cause the continued impoverishment of other blacks an again record this and show it all over the world to a world civilized community as justification of plans to genocidaly exterminate these groups..
  • Now while we talk alot about black folks attacking blacks and demoralizing them, we have to remember that black folks usually work for white folks and are factions of these white groups operating through their black stooges to upset teh black communites with the immorality and depraved behaviours..sometimes black folks can't get the job done and they need to use white folks to get in and around the black folks to demoralize the this case we see white folks mixing with black folks and using the black folks to get the white ones in and round the black ones..we see this alot in cross over music, where there is a need to have whites singing and dancing like blacks to infiltrate the blacks with the white crossovers...Then they attempt to use the white one to demoralize the black one..since blacks have a very unhealty approval of things they see whites doing, it is often times easier to set the white one in a mixed enviroment to perform soe immoral act and the black one ususally follows from what they see the white one doing, however different laws are at play as we have seen in the case of illegal drugs, the white one gets off, and does no jail time, but the black one when caught doing the very same thing the white one does gets sent to jail for exorbantly long jail times..The reason for this is that inorder to catch a fly, I have be seen doing the same things that I am trying to make another person dp See if a white tries to make someone do drugs of a different race, that race will question, why someone white is trying to dump drugs on the white one does drugs and encourages the blacks to join in and do the white one when caught gets off as he is not the one they are trying to get rid of, however the black one doing the same thing goes to jail to rot forever as this is the one they are trying to get rid of..The white one is the bait to trap the black ones into immoral behaviour, and you will see them sepending a good deal of time trying to trend and make cool all kinds of filth an immorality aimed at the blacks..and naturally you see the whites doing the same things as some of them have to do the same things in order to bait the blackones to do it get thrown in jail...some of the more obvious areas where the difference in jail times for whites and blacks who commit the same crime is in drug arrests and convictions but the same is true in rapes and murders, where the whites get off or get little to now jail time and this is advertised for the rest of the blacks to do these things, and as soon as they do or even implicated in these activites off to jail they go. whites are used to bait blacks into crime or in the case of crossover to get folks of different ethnicities in and around blacks for mischieveous activities.
  • another great tool for training blacks into improper or crimminal behaviour is to blur the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, appropriate and inappropriate, or makes commons sense and makes no sense..We constantly watch as folks who show signs of having no freaking since, are pushed off on folks with some knowledge of right and wrong with an attempt to undermine what little sense these folks have and to turn these righters in folks with no sense. That is drop a rotten apple into a basket of good apples and watch the rotten one turn the other apples to rot..
  • And of course there is the you are defined by other folks bad behaviour..we watch folks that they have upset and destabilized, and the tryin and dump these folks around others and hence these folks are guilty of the desilized persons actions and activities...


What is the reason for the assaults on MS Akins and What Kind of Cult is it that is following her around

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Maecenas consequat dictum aliquam. Praesent nec magna at ipsum facilisis dictum sit amet nec arcu. Donec ac metus a elit rhoncus euismod et sit amet velit. Nunc quis lacus vel metus tincidunt vulputate in et libero. Aliquam dolor lacus, facilisis ultrices rutrum in, blandit vitae nulla. Nullam vestibulum, odio vitae aliquam aliquam, nibh dui iaculis augue, ut tristique nisi est in tellus. Fusce volutpat ultricies venenatis. In a arcu in tellus tincidunt accumsan. Nulla pretium at ex viverra vulputate. Cras mollis velit metus, non suscipit felis luctus sit amet. Ut vel leo vitae magna blandit tempor in sit amet arcu. Donec dignissim mattis dui. Donec ultrices malesuada sapien, ut fermentum nisi efficitur eu. Phasellus dui eros, posuere vel lacus vitae, venenatis feugiat libero. Nunc sed nisi feugiat, consequat arcu id, vehicula augue. Donec viverra tincidunt nisi eget ornare.


Are Rock Musicians, and other black actors, sports figures involved in these sex attacks and assaults of Ms Akins and who has she been able to ID in these attacks

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Black Church Ministers, pastors, and other clergy involved in these sex attacks and assaults of MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Flea market owners and their staff involved in the attacks of MS akins, through MS Akins mother..

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Maecenas consequat dictum aliquam. Praesent nec magna at ipsum facilisis dictum sit amet nec arcu. Donec ac metus a elit rhoncus euismod et sit amet velit. Nunc quis lacus vel metus tincidunt vulputate in et libero. Aliquam dolor lacus, facilisis ultrices rutrum in, blandit vitae nulla. Nullam vestibulum, odio vitae aliquam aliquam, nibh dui iaculis augue, ut tristique nisi est in tellus. Fusce volutpat ultricies venenatis. In a arcu in tellus tincidunt accumsan. Nulla pretium at ex viverra vulputate. Cras mollis velit metus, non suscipit felis luctus sit amet. Ut vel leo vitae magna blandit tempor in sit amet arcu. Donec dignissim mattis dui. Donec ultrices malesuada sapien, ut fermentum nisi efficitur eu. Phasellus dui eros, posuere vel lacus vitae, venenatis feugiat libero. Nunc sed nisi feugiat, consequat arcu id, vehicula augue. Donec viverra tincidunt nisi eget ornare.


Are Black Females in the area (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Black Males in the area (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • The Idea of finding a home for Ms Akins to live in when she has an apartment in Texas
  • Trying to use or hand off local black males shacks to MS akins while trying to steal her apartment in Texas..housing discrimination..trying to tell someone where to live or at what social class level to live at..
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Operatives of the British Government in the area (durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins and what kind of assaults are they attacking her with

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are White males in the area (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins and is this political violence on behalf of Trump

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

What news outlets have been identified as "TV Stalking the home of MS Akins mother in Durham and can be identified as  involved in the assaults on MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • News Shows;WRAL, Spectrum (white and black anchors) through their anchors seem to know what is going on in the home.
  • A&E storage wars shows...seem to know when she is being attacked or is in leg pain (the current attack on her)
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Indians on behalf of India in the area (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

What politicians in the area (local to durham, NC) are involved in the assaults on MS Akins and do attacks on MS Akins help them to get votes

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Spanish Males and  Females in the area (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

In addition to attacks on MS akins what kinds of attacks has members of MS akins family experienced.. mother, father, Eldest son, daughters, and her youngest Son

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Youngest son homeless, in mental hospital, with tinging sensations in his arm....noticable that ms akins came to durham in August, and started up with these same ting sensations in her arms and legs..
  • Youtube Eleanor Roosevelt, where someone one airbrushed the images of Elanor Roosevelt to look like Ms Akins Mother..reincarnation spook show of the black cults...indicates indian attacks on her mother or herself...
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.
  • Are clergy from the catholic church in the area attacking ms akins with church demonics/witchraft and are they or can they be identified as attack other members of her family.
  • Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are operatives from New York City o behalf of New york City police, authorities, involved in attacks on MS akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are members of the Military  (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Africans, muslims, or american muslims in the area (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Have we observed africans using NETFLIX, operating scams aimed at MS Akins
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are Asian Males and  Females in the area (local to durham, NC) involved in the assaults on MS Akins on behalf of asian political candidates or asian governments 

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

What is the issue with Ms akins right knee and foot, and what are the youtube shows that have folks/charicitures in them with missing feet and hands and how do these shows pertain to sending instructions to someone to attack ms akins legs and feet or try to cause an amputation of the leg or foot.. MS Akins also worked for CVS Healthcare and Nationwide and their training material also had folks with missing feet and limbs, were these tapes also instructions to cause ms akins to be missing body parts and if so who were these instructions being sent to to cause the amputations.

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Is the leg pain that causes her to not be able to walk a kind of handcuff that keeps her inside her mothers home and who gave instructions to whom to attack her legs with these "handcuffs on her legs"
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Immunity from prosecution..some of these folks are possibly police officers, judges, politicians, etc...can they be covered with immunity from prosecution if they are in office and assaulting or have knowledge of sex assaults aimed at women, or if they get caught up in this stuff (sex assaults) to get elected to office or to use their office to help others get elected to office (via operating a sex assault program aimed at a victim or have knowlege of a sex assault program aimed at a victim and do nothing within their office powers to stop it, but encourage and participate in it or agree to protect the attacker from prosecution) and in the case of the sex assaults and that thing that moves around in the body, can they be given immunity for sex assaults aimed at womens bodys.

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Telling folks to harm themselves, or using medicine advertisement commercials to hide the intent to tell someone or make suggestions to someone to harm themselves

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

As a part of the harm yourself, selling massagers to women that are made in the form of a hand gun, such that when they put the massager to their head it looks like them putting a gun to their head as a way to train someone to handle weapons and how to aim a weapon at the head or other parts of the human body. Then causing pain in the area of the body that they want the massager to be aimed at..

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Using the mother to control food into and out of the home and air conditioning as a punishment for something?

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Are sports atheletics black (local to durham, NC) involved in the attacks on MS Akins again, as we caught them once before in the New York City Cult show...

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Visualization screen active with Movies and picture imagery..

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, modi!
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
  • Voluptate distinctio perspiciatis cum sed ipsum nisi accusantium a aut!
  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

Breathing sex assault show

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • victim lays down in the bed
  • sounds of deep breathing on the verbalization network
  • some object running around in the stomach and vaginal wall muscle of unknown origin
  • pulling of the ear muscles with the mouth wide open to get the muscles to pop or snap, same with the snap or ting in the victims leg and in christophers arm and leg...
  • trys to pass self off as a  black female
  • then trys to pass self off as a asian female
  • then trys to pass self off as a indian female
  • think it is a black female
  • noticed that attack started day after she ran out of tylenol pm...had been attacking since she arrived in NC, but intensity today.. yesterday kevin hart actor and lebron james showed up on her tv with Lyles and just kevin hart and lebron in one commercial...

Walking show disorder

trying to make clothes cling to the body, trying to cause posture problems in the legs, focus on rear end and trying to make items stick inside the crack of the rear end, 

Press and hold rape attack show

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

  • victim lays down in the bed
  • sounds of deep breathing on the verbalization network
  • try and force the victim to press and hold their head in the pillow with cresendos up and down

Spanish Mary is a prostitute and joseph a carpenter cult show..

try to convince women it is okay to be a prostitute because christ mother mary was a tramp and then go out into the woods and build cabins on open ground because joseph was a carpenter..used to steal land and money.....

  • catholic cult show they keep trying to reinact ever 100 years or so with some sap out the gutter..
  • possible overthrow the us government cult show using blacks and spanish operatives.....

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

How are the police both local and federal involved in the attacks..that is are the local police or federal police involved in the attacks especially the attacks on her body, muscles and other organs inside her body..

Nam vehicula viverra quam, nec ornare ex convallis eget. Praesent pulvinar, justo at lacinia elementum, dolor elit facilisis massa, vel feugiat elit massa et libero. Praesent hendrerit metus eu elementum commodo. Morbi tempus mi a nulla scelerisque, vitae vulputate nisi commodo. Maecenas felis urna, dictum quis mollis quis, mollis vel ligula. Nullam sodales sapien tellus, ornare tincidunt dolor imperdiet at. Vestibulum convallis, felis quis condimentum finibus, justo lectus aliquam libero, eu lacinia tellus leo eu orci.

