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The Endgame for LinkedIn Is Coming

After two years, Microsoft still hasn’t delivered on its grand vision for LinkedIn. And it may never do so. Every time this LinkedIn commercial pops up on YouTube I am reminded of how low the company has fallen to.

Soft and Comfortable with the Buckyball Creative Office Chair

Buckyball – creative office chair created by designer Svyatoslav Zbroy – can be a part of the scientific research of fullerenes. Six spheres, consisting of twelve pentagons each, form an unusual structure. Like a stable and multifunctional carbon molecule, Buckyball can withstand heavy loads without losing its shape.

World’s 12 Most Expensive Luxury Cars

These beautiful vessels are built with the latest technology and of course incredibly luxurious. Their owners are very wealthy people – members of royal families, American business magnates, Russian billionaire businessmen and world-class politicians.